
Status update

The time is right, since the accounting year is drawing to a close with a still to be settled funding issue, to put the spotlight on the blog to my Testfolio Omega, of which I announced the upcoming publication in my article of 2016-09-16 (1).Continue reading

Squaring the cycle

Although two sections pertaining to statistical considerations remain to be covered, this eighth step of my Testfolio Omega, which is also the eighth corner of a conceptual cube zero, will enable you to mentally wrap the web production cycle around the issue of how to dedicate a matrix dashboard - in 4x2 times, as an author seeking affiliation - to the successful accomplishment of a specific mission.Continue reading

Changing lanes

Let us take the time to consider another mode of transportation, more suited to sustain the learning process in such situations when the invasive effect of growing systemic complexity (inherent in cognitive empowerment) sets in, and step aboard the metro with a view to meta-structuring our macro-objective into a matrix network of intelligent connections of the SWOT type (1). Space-time travel starts here!Continue reading

Status update

Now that my new publications for 2016 are announced, let us take the time of a sneak preview into the details of this year's consolidation, with everything the latter encompasses for every dimension of my systemic NetPlusUltra®-sustained approach.Continue reading

Activation post

For a smooth introduction to next year’s new multidimensional challenge, the four websites on my agenda will be published - in the placeholder version thereof - in the following order of development:Continue reading